Being Intentional

Congratulations! By reading my blog, and seeking advice from a financial coach at all, I feel as if you are already taking the first step to money success: you have decided to be intentional! You may not yet know what that intention will have you start with, but you are thinking about it. It could start with wondering if you have another blue top buried somewhere, rather than rushing right over to the store or your favorite online boutique to replace the one that got a stain on it today. You are intentionally considering if you need to spend that money to get the outcome you desire: a blue top without a stain to wear. Celebrate this first step! 

Being intentional about money doesn’t need to be super complicated. I actually like to keep things as simple as I can and keep the more complicated tasks for only once a month, a few times per year. Sometimes clients get concerned when I tell them that I will be showing them how to use a shared spreadsheet for their spending plans. They don’t want to spend all of their time nerding out on their money... Usually, my clients are already overwhelmed with their to-do list and they don’t want to add another task to it! 

Don’t worry, I’ve got you! 


The spreadsheet may take a little while to get used to, but once you get it dialed in, you will be so surprised what a little intentional time spent on your money will do! It will REDUCE the amount of time you spend WORRYING about your money. You will already know what’s coming up, and what to do the handle it - we will have talked about it together!

So, cheers to you! Taking that first step, learning more about money. Being curious. Being intentional. What will your next step be? Perhaps you keep reading and listening, perhaps you want to hit the 2x button and get to your destination faster? If you want help speeding up the learning curve, schedule a Q&A call with me!